A Brad Nailer is a type of nail gun that uses compressed air to insert small nails (Brads) used for simple and detailed woodwork. There are so many helpful options when it comes to hammering nails into your project. Each tool has a specific purpose and function that separates it from the others. I’ve researched through the internet and put together a quick summary on the Brad Nailer.
What is a brad nailer used for? Brad nailers are used for firing brads which are thin gauged nails when building cabinetry, attaching trims, moldings, installing baseboards, nailing fence boards, and any project you need to connect panels.
Keep reading below to learn more about the Brad Nailer and what it can be used for.
What Is A Brad Nailer Used For?
A brad nailer is a type of nail gun that is used for simple and detailed woodwork and wood applications. Often, the brad nailer is confused with the finish nailer but there are notable differences between the two in visual perspective where the brad nails are smaller than the finish nails.
Brad nailers have fully taken the place of the conventional hammer in places where wood splitting can occur and the use of thin nails is required. They are used for firing brads that are thin gauged nails. They are widely used in various activities as listed such as trim work, casing, decorative molding, cabinetry, for home renovations, installing baseboards among other applications around the household which require lightweight binding.
As much as they perfectly handle small projects and delicate molding they don’t do as well when handling heavy moldings, wood, and large boards.
Uses of a Brad Nailer
- Installing baseboards
Attaching baseboards to the wall surfaces requires small and thin nails and brad nailers are the ideal choice. The primary reason for using the brad nails is because they easily drive into the wood with the help of a brad nailer. They are also very effective in attaching thinner pieces to the larger wood pieces.
The process of concealing the nail holes in the wooden pieces is eliminated with the use of brads and brad nailers. The carpenter putty is not needed as the brads are slender and have no heads.
- Handling lightweight trim
The brad nailers are the perfect tool for mounting lightweight trim given that the brads have their thin gauged features. The brads have no head as well-meaning there won’t be a need of using putty on the nail hole. It helps in securing a clean finish where the wood won’t have to appear darker after finish or stain is applied to the wooden material.
With the brad nailers, chances of damaging the thin pieces of trim in detailed woodworking projects are minimal as the brads are thin compared to alternatives.
- Crown molding
Crown molding is creating a decorative borderline on a lining between the wall surface and a regular ceiling. It is similar to baseboards, but in this scenario, it is done in place for the ceilings. The moldings are supposed to be done using thin nails that are not visible. The brads are the perfect choice for this, so is the brad nailer for the driving in purposes.
- Home renovation projects
Home renovations and crafting are considered small projects and mostly done by DIYers. Whether it is attaching rails, stops, and coves or building wooden furniture that requires thin nails, a brad nailer is always the ideal solution. It is easy to use even with the beginners and helps in saving time and energy used as compared to other alternatives.
9 BRAD NAIL MISTAKES (and how to avoid them!)
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Woodworking Joke:
Harry was having his annual physical and the doc noticed that his blood pressure was a little elevated.
“What do you do for a living?” He asked.
“I’m a woodworker. Mostly hand tools. I work all alone in a sunshine filled studio with Brahmns playing low and my golden retriever at my feet.”
“Well, that’s not causing it. How about your family history? Think you might get it from your mom’s side, or your Dad’s?
“Neigther,” said Harry. “But I might be getting it from my wife’s family.”
“No, that’s impossible,” The doc said.
“Obviously, you haven’t met them,” said Harry.