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[Video] 3 Most Common Mistakes
When Setting Up Shop

A woodworking friend of mine shared this video by Ralph Chapman with me that helped him set up his workshop.
The video explains the benefits of Ralph Chapman’s guide about setting up an affordable workshop and avoiding the most common mistakes offers to anyone interested in woodworking.
Top Woodworking Tools On Amazon
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Tools Every Woodworker Needs | Start Building For Under $1000

All of us got started off somewhere, these tools are what will get you into woodworking quickly and affordably.
[Guide] How To Launch Your Woodworking Business For Under $1000
If you’re considering turning your woodworking hobby into a part-time business check out this helpful guide on how to get started.
21 Pallet Wood Projects

20 Scrap Wood Project Ideas

28 Woodworking Projects For Beginners

10 Woodworking Tools Not To Buy

12 Tools Under $20 Every Woodworker Needs

5 Tools Under $30 Every Woodworker Needs

Top Woodworking Gadgets – MUST HAVE ITEMS

The Woodworker’s Treasure Chest

The fact is that 95% of us woodworkers have embarked on woodworking projects that have ended in frustration or failure and sometimes even in disaster.
This is obviously something that can happen to us if we are a newbie, a weekend warrior or even an experienced woodworker!
So , if you have got the passion, the Woodworkers Treasure Chest will help you streamline the process, so you can accomplish one project after another in less than half the time with whatever tools or skills you’ve already got.
[Video] Build Any Shed In A Weekend Easily And Quickly With This Collection Of 12,000 Shed Plans
If you’re interested in building a beautiful shed as your next project check out this helpful resource with step-by-step instructions, easy-to-follow plans and complete material lists for a ton of shed designs.
Mark Stuart’s Furniture And Woodcraft Plans

The FurnitureCraftPlans® package is unlike anything that has ever been created. Inside this life-changing collection, you’ll be empowered with more than 9,000 woodworking plans for your home furniture, wood crafts, and just about anything made of wood.
DIY Smart Saw

A car industry engineer just revolutionized DIY projects. This machine already transformed the way thousands of DIY enthusiasts tackle their projects, decorate their homes, or do woodwork…
Even people who were never very handy and haven’t touched a screwdriver since high school shop class can use this to run dismantled old chairs into unique works of art…