Woodworking Jokes
His first grandchild got an all heartwood cherry crib with turned spindles.
His second got a carved rocking horse.
His third got a rattle and a keepsake box.
His fourth got a rattle.
His fifth got a Walmart gift card.
Click here for more woodworking jokes.
Woodworking Meme
Click here for more woodworking memes.
12 Great Table Saw Jigs with Jim Heavey
Subscribe to WOOD magazine
This is a full recap of 12 great tablesaw jigs from WOOD magazine’s Jim Heavey. Cross cut sled, zero clearance inserts, miter gauge extension, auxiliary rip fence, raised panel jig, tenoning jigs, spline cutting jigs and more!
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Top 10 Woodworking Table Saw Jigs and Accessories & How To Make Them
Subscribe to Foureyes Furniture
These Foureyes Furniture favorite woodworking jigs for the Table Saw.
CrossCut Sled Drop-Off Platform
Kreg PRS3020 True-FLEX Featherboard
MICROJIG GRR-RIPPER SP-2 Mircojig Mj Splitter Steelpro, Blue
3 Simple Jigs to get Professional Results from any Table Saw
Subscribe to Wood.Work.LIFE.
Everyone thinks you need a multi-thousand dollar table saw to do professional-level woodworking but you can get clean and accurate results with just a couple of simple jigs. Here are the 3 jigs I think every woodworker should start out with on a table saw to get better results.
[Video] 3 Most Common Mistakes
When Setting Up Shop

A woodworking friend of mine shared this video by Ralph Chapman with me that helped him set up his workshop.
The video explains the benefits of Ralph Chapman’s guide about setting up an affordable workshop and avoiding the most common mistakes offers to anyone interested in woodworking.
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