Woodworking Jokes
- People who run CNC routers have their work cut out for them.
- I used to have a job running a chainsaw, but they gave me the axe.
- Seen on a woodshop job application: “I used to be a lifeguard, but this blue kid got me fired.”
- What has a bottom at its top? A Chair leg…
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Woodworking Meme
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Tool Trivia Quiz
5 Quick DRILL PRESS Hacks
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In this video we review 5 woodworking tips for your drill press. The Drill Press is often and after-thought tool, but once you get one you can’t imagine living without, but it’s the one tool where accessories can really make a difference in your drilling, like drill press vice, sanding drums, a set of forstner bits, brad tipped drill bits, twist bit drill bits and so on and to make them all quicker and easier to use, I have adapted my drill press area more convenient to use them these drills.
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5 Quick Drilling Hacks Part 2
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Drilling holes in wood is a big part of woodworking so knowing the tips and tricks of using your drill press and tools to their optimum makes the job easier, quicker and with better results from your drills
[Video] 3 Most Common Mistakes
When Setting Up Shop
A woodworking friend of mine shared this video by Ralph Chapman with me that helped him set up his workshop.
The video explains the benefits of Ralph Chapman’s guide about setting up an affordable workshop and avoiding the most common mistakes offers to anyone interested in woodworking.
Essential Skills in Woodworking – Drill Press Tips and Tricks
Subscribe to Jonathan Katz-Moses on YouTube
In this video we cover the basic techniques for using a press. I go over the proper way to set up and cut accurate holes as well as the different types of drill bits I use and safety. Thanks for watching!
[Guide] How To Launch Your Woodworking Business For Under $1000
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If you’re considering turning your woodworking hobby into a part-time business check out this helpful guide on how to get started.
5 Amazing and Useful Ideas for Drill Press Machine
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