10: Small Glue Bottle: https://www.amazon.com/Hobbyland-Boston-Squeeze-Bottles-bottles
9: Rubber O-ring: Your local hardware store
8: Robertson Screws: https://robcosman.com/collections/screws-and-fastners
7: Plastic Calipers: https://www.amazon.com/Ultrassist-Plastic-Vernier-Caliper-2pcs
6: Automotive Masking tape: https://www.amazon.com/Lichamp-Automotive-Painting-Detailing-Painters
5: Yankee Drill: https://garrettwade.com/product/garrett-wade-push-drill
4: Duct Mastic Sealant: https://www.amazon.com/Red-Devil-0841DX-Sealant-gallon
3: Dust Collection Stay Put Hose: https://www.woodcraft.com/products/dust-collection-hose-stay-put-4-od-x-36#
2: Auto dust gates: https://www.woodcraft.com/products/ivac-pro-4-inch-molded-blast-gate
1. Eclipse Dust Mask: https://www.woodcraft.com/products/elipse-p100-mask-m-l
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[Guide] How To Launch Your Woodworking Business For Under $1000
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If you’re considering turning your woodworking hobby into a part-time business check out this helpful guide on how to get started.